Saturday, January 5, 2013

A post-vacation home-cooked dinner

After walking off a plane at 10pm, all I wanted was a good home-cooked meal. But both Alex and I were too exhausted to cook. Luckily, I remembered that before our two-week vacation, we had thrown a few things in the freezer to save them from going bad in our absence. We tried our best to eat everything that might go bad before we left, and for our final meal we sauteed all the veggies that were left in the fridge and combined them with some pasta and butter. Fortunately, we couldn't eat it all, so I put the leftovers in a baking dish, smothered it in all the cheese we had, and threw it in the freezer. Two weeks later, we stumbled through our front door, threw down our luggage, took out the now mystery leftovers from the freezer and let it heat up in the oven while we took a shower.

My original intention was to simply keep food from going bad, but little did I know that I made a much appreciated future dinner for Alex and I. Sometimes my past-self is pretty darn awesome.

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